Selected Publications
Welcome to the Selected Publications page. Here, I showcase a few key publications and provide accepted versions of manuscripts for download. This page aims to make my research more accessible and highlight significant contributions to the field. All 2024 journal papers have their full texts available for download, and journal papers from other years will be provided soon. For a comprehensive list of all my publications, please refer to my full CV. It may take some time to sort out the copyright issues, but I am committed to continuously updating this page and providing as many papers as possible.
- Wang, K., & Ke, Y. (in press). Towards Sustainable Development: Assessing Social Sustainability of Australian Aged Care System. Sustainable Development. (Full Text)
- Bai, L., Lin, J., Zhang, L., Pan, T., Ke, Y., & Zhou, X. (in press). Modeling for project portfolio synergy benefits measurement. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation. (Full Text)
- Zhou, Q., Luo, X., Gao, X., Xia, B., Ke, Y., Skitmore, M., & Liu, Y. (2024). Impact of psychological distance on public acceptance of waste-to-energy combustion projects. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 109, 107631. (Full Text)
- Jin, K., Yu, S., Xia, B., Ke, Y., Skitmore, M., & Liu, Y. (2024). Exploring the effect of procedural fairness on the social license to operate of resource development projects: A meta-analysis. Resources Policy, 96, 105242. (Full Text)
- Müller, R., Alix‐Séguin, C., Alonderienė, R., Bourgault, M., Chmieliauskas, A., Drouin, N., Ke, Y., Wang, L., Pilkienė, M., Minelgaite, I., Šimkonis, S., Unterhitzenberger, C., Vaagaasar, A.L., & Zhu. F. (2024). A (meta)governance framework for multi‐level governance of inter‐organizational project networks. Production Planning & Control, 35(10), 1043–1062. (Full Text)
- Wang, K., & Ke, Y. (2024). Social sustainability of communities: A systematic literature review. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47, 585‐597. (Full Text)
- Ke, Y., Cheng, Z., Zhang, J., & Liu, Y. (2024). Making sense of the definition of public‐private partnerships. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 14(1), 4‐21. (Full Text)
- Laishram, B., Devkar, G., Ke, Y., & Aziz, A. A. (2024). Guest editorial: Public private partnerships: past, present and future. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 14(1), 1‐3. (Full Text)
- Wang, K., Ke, Y., & Sankaran, S. (2024). The social pillar of sustainable development: measurement and current status of social sustainability of aged care projects in China. Sustainable Development, 32(1), 227‐243. (Full Text)
- Albornoz, V., Ke, Y., & Millán, J. (2024). Public‐private partnerships: pro‐cyclical or counter‐cyclical? An empirical study. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(1), 97‐107. (Full Text)