A/Prof Yongjian Ke @ UTS, Australia

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Welcome to my personal website. I'm Yongjian Ke, an Associate Professor of Project Management at the University of Technology Sydney, which is why the domain name is "pm-professor.com". I'm part of the vibrant community at the School of Built Environment. If you're curious about the pronunciation of my name, a handy audio guide is available below.

My Academic Journey

My academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Engineering in Project Management from Tsinghua University (2001-2005), followed by a PhD in Management Science and Engineering from the same university (2005-2010), specialising in equitable risk allocation for public-private partnership projects in China. I then progressed to a Research Fellow position at the National University of Singapore (2010-2013). Subsequently, I joined the University of Newcastle as a Lecturer in Construction Management (2013-2016). Since 2016, I have been with the University of Technology Sydney, initially as a Senior Lecturer in Project Management and, since January 2022, as an Associate Professor of Project Management.

Research Summary

My research focuses on the dynamics of infrastructure projects, primarily in the areas of project management and public-private partnerships within the Australian and Chinese contexts. My current research interests include ESG, social licence for infrastructure, social value, and value co-creation in projects. This work involves understanding public sentiment and engagement to ensure successful infrastructure developments and fostering relationships for mutual benefits. I have contributed to over 160 publications, which have cumulatively received more than 7,480 citations. My h-index is currently 35, and I was ranked among the top 2% of scientists in 2020, 2023 & 2024.

Teaching Responsibilities

I teach in the postgraduate Project Management program at the University of Technology Sydney. I champion practice-oriented and research-integrated learning, emphasising the use of team-based simulated projects to address real-world industry challenges. My teaching portfolio includes "Advances in Project Management", which enhances students' research awareness and capabilities; "Advanced Project Risk Management", focusing on specialised risk management across various industry sectors; "Project Risk, Procurement and Quality Management", which covers three fundamental project management knowledge areas; "Managing Project Contracts", which focuses on key aspects of contract management in project delivery; and "Managing Project Complexity", which explores the sources and management of complexity in projects through intensive workshops.

Professional Roles

In addition to my academic roles, I serve as the School Higher Degree Research Coordinator, an Editor for the Project Management Journal, the Australian Editor for the International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, and the Communications Coordinator of CIB Working Commission W122 ‐ Public Private Partnership. I am a Research Associate at the Australia-China Relations Institute. These roles are integral to my academic journey, enriching my research and extending its reach.